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This piece is rented until October 1st 2024, and is not available. 

Mixed media on canvas, 2022

40" width, 60" height, 1 1/2" depth

Image is painted around the sides

RENTED - Inland Lake, 40" x 60"

  • Raised on the shore of Lake St. Clair in Belle River ON, during the 1960's, water became a main contributor to Jaclyn's artistic expressions. From an early age, her passion for art grew. It was not until Jaclyn's high school years that she was fortunate enough to have three great art teachers who were instrumental in showing her how to express her creative interests. An expansive portfolio was the result of these influences early on.

    Jaclyn has exhibited her works across Ontario. She is inspired by the French Impressionists and the Group of Seven. She focuses on different mediums blended together, allowing her to render nature's light and colour.

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